Gratitude (w/Trees and Rocks)
On the Trail: Gratitude (New Playlist: On the Trail)

I finally got around to creating this playlist – as it’s own thing.

In this video, I set the intention to find a lesson example for gratitude and how it works in us. I looked for and found inspiration from Nature – to find a focus of gratitude for a class that I was going to teach. If you are not accustomed to going out with an intention, I hope to inspire you to practice doing it! It’s really wonderful.

Also, I mention loving kindness meditation (Metta) in the video. If you are interested in learning about meditations, please mention this to me! Thanks.

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I’m Sue

Susan L George; Earth Intern Spiritual Healing Arts

I’m a spiritual healing arts practitioner, facilitator, author, and multi-media creator with a shamanic lifestyle. All my work (which I enjoy) revolves around the knowledge that we are always whole and well and that it is the expression of that wholeness that keeps us in our best shape! This blog is an extension of my main site:

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